October students of the month

Ahnaf Ali

Ahnaf Ali is an exceptional student in the PCTI STEM Academy, focusing on the Engineering pathway with a specialization in Computer Integrated Manufacturing. His fascination with understanding how things work and function made engineering a natural choice. Reflecting on his passion, Ahnaf shared, "I was always interested in the intricate workings of things and how they function. Engineering has been the best way to explore that, with its potential to make life easier by creating innovative solutions."

Being named Student of the Month is a proud moment for Ahnaf, as it reflects his years of hard work and dedication. "It’s amazing; it feels nice to have years of work shown in some way. I see it as a facilitator of better things to come," he expressed. His commitment to excellence is also evident in his outstanding GPA of 4.4.

Ahnaf maintains an active presence in various school organizations, including SkillsUSA, FBLA, Engineering Club - where he participates in Robotics and STEAM Tank, History Club, Gifted and Talented Club, National Honor Society, and World Language Honor Society.

Outside of school, Ahnaf is committed to gaining practical experience in his field. He currently has a shadowing opportunity with a technical engineer, which provides him with valuable insights into the engineering profession. "It's really cool to see how life may be in the field. I get to observe both office and remote work environments, and it’s interesting to see how work differs based on location," he shared. In his free time, Ahnaf enjoys playing basketball with friends and relaxing whenever possible.

Looking to the future, Ahnaf plans to attend a top-tier college, majoring in Computer Engineering. His long-term goal is to achieve financial stability for his family, aiming to reach a point where money is not a concern.

Reflecting on his experience in STEM, Ahnaf noted its transformative impact on him: "I feel like when I came to STEM, I was more introverted. Being introduced to a wide variety of people with different perspectives helped me broaden my views and approach challenges in diverse ways."

Ahnaf’s advice to incoming freshmen is both practical and thoughtful: "Procrastination is a bad habit. Please don't do it. Value your time and your own sanity—don’t procrastinate."

Congratulations, Ahnaf!

Arrian Wynter

Arrian Wynter’s compassionate nature and dedication to caring for others led her to choose the Academy of Health and Medical Sciences with a focus on the EMT program at PCTI. She shared, "I have a very compassionate heart, and I love taking care of people. I genuinely enjoy putting others before myself and making people feel valued."

Arrian is an outstanding student with a remarkable GPA of 4.2. Her dedication extends beyond academics, as she is actively involved in numerous school organizations. She is a member of the National Honor Society, World Language Society, ERASE, Christian Association Club, HOSA, ASL Club, Dance Club, Student Council Interact and serves as the basketball team manager.

Outside of school, Arrian keeps herself engaged with various responsibilities and interests. Known for her hardworking nature, she balances multiple jobs, including a summer internship at St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she gained hands-on experience in the Center of Education, helping to train future nurses. In her spare time, she volunteers with NJCDC and enjoys singing, dancing, and spending time with friends.

As for her future, Arrian has set ambitious goals. She hopes to attend Howard University to study nursing with the goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. She aims to obtain her master’s degree and possibly a PhD.

When Arrian learned she had been named Student of the Month, she was overwhelmed with joy. "It’s an amazing accomplishment. When I saw the email, I was completely blown away. I'm super proud of myself; I feel like all my hard work has paid off."

When asked about her experience at PCTI, Arrian proudly expressed, “I love PCTI. I'm a proud Bulldog. PCTI has helped me so much and it has been instrumental in preparing me for my future through courses like anatomy and other medical classes.”

Arrian’s advice to incoming freshmen is heartfelt: “Remember that failure is inevitable, don’t give up, stay determined, and remember to love yourself.”

Congratulations, Arrian!

Tiffany Boghos

Tiffany Boghos is an exemplary student in the PCTI Academy of Finance. Her love for math and working with numbers naturally drew her to finance, a field where she knew she could thrive. Reflecting on her choice, Tiffany shared, "I thought about how much I love math and playing with numbers. So, I thought finance would be perfect."

Being named Student of the Month is a significant honor for Tiffany, one that she feels acknowledges the hard work she has put in over the years. "I feel very honored to be representing my CTE as Student of the Month. It feels like a deserving recognition after putting in work throughout the years," she expressed with pride. Her academic dedication is also reflected in her impressive GPA of 4.3.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Tiffany is actively engaged in various clubs and sports at PCTI. She has been a four-year varsity athlete in competitive cheer and also participates in flag football and football cheerleading. Her extracurricular commitments include the Girls State Program, the Gifted and Talented Club, serving as treasurer for the Rho Kappa Honor Society, and memberships in the National Honor Society, World Language Honor Society, FBLA, and SkillsUSA. Tiffany serves as an ambassador for the Upstanders Club and contributed to the High School Federal Reserve Challenge as a student author on the economics podcast. Tiffany is also part of the cooperative education program currently working in the PCTVS administration office.

In her free time Tiffany coaches and advises junior cheerleaders and enjoys spending her free time with friends, shopping, and reading. Among her favorite authors is Charles Dickens, and she appreciates both romantic fiction and classic literature for their depth and insight.

Looking forward, Tiffany has set her sights on a career in finance and law. She plans to earn a bachelor’s degree in finance, attend law school to become a tax attorney, and later pursue a master’s degree in finance.

Reflecting on her experience at PCTI, Tiffany expressed her gratitude: "Attending PCTI has given me many opportunities to expand my horizon and to take advantage of classes related to my major. Socially, it has pushed me to be more outgoing and introduced me to new people. Sports have also taught me the value of hard work and commitment."

Tiffany’s advice to incoming freshmen is heartfelt: "Take advantage of your time in high school; it flies by quickly. Make as many memories as you can."

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Tiffany!