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School to Careers

The goal of the district’s School to Careers program is to partner with industries in order to create effective-work based learning opportunities. These transitional experiences connect students with the working world.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education is offered through the School to Careers program. It’s designed to provide work-based learning activities with on-the-job training and technical instruction. The entire community becomes a laboratory through which students are prepared for jobs vital to economic development.

  1. To be eligible for enrollment, students must be entering the 12th grade and of at least sixteen years of age, have acceptable behavioral characteristics, and suitable training. They must also be completing their second year of their current career and technical education program.

  2. Students must apply for Cooperative Education related to their current career and technical education program.

  3. If accepted, the students are required to divide their time between school and the work-based learning site. Time on the job shall be equal or greater than the time spent in a student’s CTE program area.

  4. Students receive fifteen high school credits per year for satisfactory participation. They must work a minimum of fifteen hours per week and not more than thirty-three hours per week while school is in session.

  5. Cooperative Education is an integral part of the regular high school program and should not be confused with any outside youth, adult, or educational agencies. School to Careers students are closely supervised and evaluated periodically. Evaluations by employers and coordinators are combined to form a grade for each marking period.

  6. Students receive a monetary wage comparable to beginning workers entering the workforce in the same occupation.

  7. Cooperative Education offers the following benefits:

    • The opportunity to acquire occupational competence while in high school

    • Guidance and assistance while adjusting to the working world.

    • Motivation that will carry over into other subjects.

    • The opportunity for personal development and increased maturity.

  8. Students are still able to arrange course work though their guidance counselor, ensuring they are prepared for college. If they prefer not to pursue higher education, the School to Careers program offers opportunities for permanent employment after graduation.

Goal & Objectives

  • Academic Development: Apply knowledge learned in the classroom to a workplace setting

  • Skill Development: Learn the skills required to be successful in the workplace and career areas

  • Career Development: Enhance knowledge of the qualifications and responsibilities necessary to enter a career area

  • Personal Development: Strengthen decision-making and critical thinking skills, personal responsibility, confidence, and self-esteem

  • Technology Utilization: Use technology as it applies to the industry. Achievement is demonstrated by participation in academic courses, worksite experience, and connecting activities