Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)

Every student has the right to be educated in an environment free from harassment, intimidation and bullying. PCTVS is committed to working to ensure that students feel safe in our setting. This is why we have clear policies and procedures designed to combat and prevent harassment, intimidation and bullying behaviors. In addition to being proactive about harassment, intimidation and bullying, our staff members have been trained in how to identify and respond to such behaviors.

We have an Anti-Bullying Specialist at the building level. This staff member actively addresses student, parent and staff concerns related to harassment, intimidation and bullying. At the district level, we have an Anti-Bullying Coordinator, who helps to develop policies, procedures and strategies designed to counter any trends related to harassment, intimidation and bullying that may be brought to the attention of the district. Contact information for these individuals is provided below. Please feel free to speak to them if you have any questions or concerns.

As outlined in the Code of Conduct, harassment and bullying are serious offenses and will not be tolerated. To report alleged harassment and bullying that occurred on school property; at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property; or on a school bus, please download and complete the form below. If you are a student victim, the parent/guardian of a student victim, or a close adult relative of a student victim, and wish to report an incident of alleged harassment or bullying, complete the form and return it to the Principal.

Definition of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying

“Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying” (HIB) means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristics, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds as provided for in Section 16 of P.L. 2010, c. 122 (C.18A:37-15.3), that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students and that:

  1. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his person or damage to his property;

  2. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or

  3. Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student.

HIB Reporting Form – Multiple Languages Available.

Board policies relating to Anti-Bullying:

PCTVS's self-assessments for determining grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights school grade report:

Anti-Bullying Resources