Gifted & Talented Education
In Compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:8-3.1 Passaic County Technical Vocational School District provides enrichment opportunities for students seeking to engage in additional activities and learning opportunities beyond that of the general curriculum. The NJDOE defines gifted students as:
"Those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities."
Passaic County Technical Vocational School District provides adjustment and/or modification to instruction enabling a student who is gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in one or more content areas at the instructional level of the student, not just the student’s grade level.
Identification of Gifted & Talented Students
The process to identify gifted and talented students includes multiple measures in order to identify student strengths in intellectual ability, creativity, or a specific academic area. The identification process shall include consideration of all students, including those who are English language learners and those with Individualized Education Programs or Section 504 Plans. As a receiving County Vocational District, data will be collected to identify students who were previously labeled as gifted from their sending district.
Students are identified through a variety of assessments and information to determine eligibility to the district's Gifted & Talented program:
NJSLA assessment data
IReady diagnostic and benchmark assessments
Canvas Mastery
Trimester grades and final exam grades
Teacher recommendation(s)
Enrichment Program Participation - Career & Technical Student Organizations
Sending school districts and parents confirmation of participation in a Gifted & Talented program
Upon the analysis of this data, the district's Gifted & Talented Team will meet each month during the school year. The Gifted & Talented team is made up of the G&T advisors, school counselors, teachers, and administration. If a student is eligible to join the Gifted & Talented program, the parent(s)/guardian(s) are then notified of their child's eligibility and will make the final determination whether their child participates in the Gifted & Talented program. Participation is not required. It is important to note that each student's academic journey can take many paths, most of which are not linear. Student growth and development can ebb and flow depending on many factors. Therefore, eligibility to participate in the Gifted & Talented program may change from year to year.
Categories of Giftedness
Gifted & Talented students exist in all cultural and socioeconomic subgroups. These students can be identified by exceptionally high performance, achievement, or potential in the following areas:
General Intellectual Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional ability in both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. This is often characterized by advanced vocabulary and abstract reasoning. Generally, they are capable of achieving in all academic subjects.
Specific Intellectual or Academic Ability: These students’ characteristics include exceptional ability in either verbal or non-verbal reasoning. They are exceptionally high achievers in a specific academic subject because the standard curriculum is insufficient. This particular ability may be displayed as an exceptional understanding of skill in a vocational area.
Creative or Productive Thinking Ability: These students’ characteristics include the exceptional ability to develop original or unusual ideas and unique solutions to problems. They are very imaginative and often willing to take risks when offering views.
Psychosocial Ability: Characteristics for these students include exceptional managerial or leadership ability. This is often characterized by the ability to organize people and tasks and motivate others. Often these students have strong moral and social concerns. These students often relate well to adults and peers and can be relied on to accept and carry out responsibilities.
Psychomotor Ability: These students show exceptional ability in fine and/or gross motor skills. They have outstanding ability in balance, strength, physical endurance, and agility, as well as aptitude in fine and industrial crafts.
Visual or Performing Arts Ability: These students have exceptional ability in art, music, drama, or creative writing. They are highly committed to their art form and often show imagination and originality within general artistic disciplines.
Programs to Support Gifted & Talented Students
Including but not limited to the following:
Career & Technical Student Organizations - Enrichment Programs
Independent Student Learning Opportunities
The purpose of Independent Student Learning Opportunities is to provide educational experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and that provide students with opportunities to explore and achieve at high levels. Independent Student Learning Opportunities allow students to obtain credit for learning experiences outside the traditional classroom environment. Some of these experiences may provide connections outside of the regular school setting. Other learning experiences may go beyond what the traditional high school can provide, allowing students to participate in research or college-level work.
School to Careers Cooperative Education
The goal of the district’s School to Careers program is to partner with industries in order to create effective work-based learning opportunities. These transitional experiences connect students with the working world. Cooperative Education is offered through the School to Careers program. It’s designed to provide work-based learning activities with on-the-job training and technical instruction. The entire community becomes a laboratory through which students are prepared for jobs vital to economic development.
The Goals & Objectives of the Cooperative Education Experience include the following:
Academic Development: Apply knowledge learned in the classroom to a workplace setting
Skill Development: Learn the skills required to be successful in the workplace and career areas
Career Development: Enhance knowledge of the qualifications and responsibilities necessary to enter a career area
Personal Development: Strengthen decision-making and critical thinking skills, personal responsibility, confidence, and self-esteem
Technology Utilization: Use technology as it applies to the industry. Achievement is demonstrated by participation in academic courses, worksite experience, and connecting activities
Complaint Procedure (Policy 2464)
An individual who believes that the district has not complied with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-34 et seq. may file a complaint with the Board of Education. The Board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter. The individual may then file a petition of appeal of the Board’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-9and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.
See: PCTVS Complaint & Grievance Procedures
Contact Information
For more information about the Gifted & Talented program, please contact our district’s G&T advisors listed below:
Emily Gabriel -
Stephanie Neris -
Gifted Education Director:
Mark Frederick -
Passaic County Technical Vocational Schools - Gifted & Talented PowerPoint