Congratulations to Hrystyna Khrupalo, October Athlete of the Month!

Hrystyna Khrupalo Image

PCTI Criminal Justice junior Hrystyna Khrupalo takes a stand as a 14-4 record tennis player and the 1st singles player. This year she has also taken the title of Best High School tennis player in Passaic County. Her already over-achieving attitude qualified and played in the NJ State singles competition, showing her dedication and quality time spent on tennis. Apart from her impressive tennis skills, she is involved in SkillsUSA and is passionate about the Ukrainian Youth Association, where she participates in dancing. Hrystyna remembers Senior Night as her favorite part of her season because she bonded with her teammates and had a spectacular time

Congratulations, Hrystyna!

Congratulations to Victor Mielnik, October Athlete of the Month!

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Victor Mielnik, a Computer Science student in the PCTI STEM Academy, is a Cross-Country runner champ; his improvements seem to never stop. As a sophomore, Victor hit a 5k at an impressive 17:02 minute mark, and it doesn't stop there. Victor has been leading the way, helping the team secure the North Jersey Championship & League Championship. Victor has been surpassing his times from all previous meets this year. A true bulldog athlete Victor is also on the Swim team and Spring track. Victor's favorite memory is when the cross country won he shares, "It was fun and a happy time."

Congratulations, Victor!