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School of Construction Technology

Build the world

The School of Construction Technology opens the doors to the master trades. Students in this program receive instruction in state-of-the-art classrooms that include fully framed houses, industrial trainers, and computer labs. Students learn by using the latest professional equipment, machines, and power tools in classroom settings that equal or exceed today’s industry standards. They are also given the opportunity to take licensing and certification exams.

SOCT students have the opportunity to select a concentration after their freshman year and choose 

to focus on either Carpentry, Welding, HVAC, Electrical or Plumbing. Qualified students have the  opportunity to work in their field of study during their senior year through the School to Careers program.

Carpentry introduces students to residential construction, from blueprint reading and drawing, to wall and roof framing. Valuable skills are gained in a variety of working areas including cabinet making, laminated plastics, finishing, and door making.

Plumbing focuses on providing instruction in practical shop work. Students learn steel pipe threading/in-stallation, soldering techniques, copper/steel/PVC/ABS fittings, and the installation of hot water heaters and boilers.

Electrical Technology trains young electricians to enter the workforce. Students learn the basics of electricity, wiring methods, conduit installation/bending, current interrupting devices, motors, manual/magnetic motor starters, and transformers.

HVAC is designed to give the student a full understanding of sustainability and its purpose in the HVAC/R industry. The program puts emphasis on the HVAC/R curriculum and its connection to sustainable living.

Welding introduces students to manual welding and cutting processes, cutting techniques, metallurgy, weld joint preparation, and more. Program members learn to interpret blueprints and perform equipment maintenance, all while maintaining safety in the workplace.

The School of Construction Technology has specific tracks, or major areas of study, that students and parents will select in the future of the program. Each track has limited enrollment and does not allow for all first-choice requests to be guaranteed. Additonal criteria may be taken into account to determine a student’s placement in a track. Students of the School of Construction Technology also have the  opportunity to pursue articulation credit through Eastern Atlantic States Region Council of Carpenters and Eastern Atlantic States Technical College. Students of plumbing and electrical also are eligible for articulation credit through SUNY Delhi University, NY.

Career Pathways

  • Building Maintenance

  • Cabinetry

  • Carpentry

  • Construction Manager

  • Custom Laminate Fabrication

  • Electrical Technology

  • General Contracting

  • Heating Technician

  • HVAC Technology

  • Kitchen Design/Installation

  • Pipe Fitting

  • Plumbing

  • Refrigeration Technician

  • Union Position

  • Welding


State-of-the-Art Facilities

Students learn by using the latest professional equipment in impressive, modern settings that equal or exceed today’s industry standards. These facilities mirror today’s work environment, offering PCTI students a competitive advantage in securing employment. These outstanding facilities include:

  • Two fully equipped carpentry labs with state-of-the-art woodworking tools and machines for building superior skills.

  • A comprehensive plumbing lab with fully functioning water & gas lines, current machinery, and the latest resources.

  • HVAC repair and installation center complete with home/commercial units

  • Two fully equipped electrical labs for industrial and residential training (features modern worksite simulations)

  • High tech computer labs

  • Modern welding facility with industry based training stations

“College Connection Program” Earning College Credits in High School

Want to earn college credits before graduating high school? At PCTI you have the opportunity to do just that! Nearly 2 dozen college courses—some specific to career majors and others open to all PCTI students—are offered in affiliations with area colleges and universities!

College Affiliates

PCTI’s affiliates include: William Pater- son University, Seton Hall University, Drexel University, UMDNJ (University of Medicine & Dentistry New Jersey), Berkeley College, Passaic County Community College, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Rochester Institute of Technology, FDU and Hudson County Community College.

Licensure & Certification Opportunities

Eligible students are given the training and opportunity to the following NJ certifications:

  • American Welding Society Entry Level Welder Certification

  • ACCA Refrigerant Recovery Certification

  • HILTI Operating Certification

  • Radiant PEX Track Plumbing Certification

  • OSHA Job Site Safety Certification

  • TracPipe Counter Strike & TracPipe PS II Certification

School to Careers Experience

PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.

Awards, Honors & Service

Numerous medals and awards for outstanding achievement at the local, state and national level.

  • Over the years, PCTI students have enjoyed an impressive award-winning record, highlighted by both Skills USA state gold medals and national gold medals.

  • Award of Excellence/NJSBA Fall Convention Exhibit: “Smart House” – 21st Century House of the Future.

  • Construction of Modular Home – Donated to Habitat for Humanity (HFH). Students work with HFH on local projects and assist in numerous community and non-profit organizations.

  • Construction of stage sets for PCTI’s annual spring musical.

Organizational Affiliations

School of Construction Technology students are active members of Skill- sUSA. This national organization helps students realize their career potential in construction related occupations. PCTI also maintains a close working alliance with local trade unions for future job opportunities, such as: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 102 & 164, Sheet metal Local 25, Bricklayers Local 4, Operating Engineers Local 825, Pipefitters Local 274, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Local 274 American Welding Society (AWS), New Jersey State Building & Construction Council YTTW Program, Building Contractors Association of NJ (BCANJ), Master Plumbers Association of NJ, Air Conditioning Contractors of America and other groups.