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Performing Arts - Dance - 2

School of Performing Arts

Embrace the stage

Does your passion ignite while on stage? Enter the School of Performing Arts, a comprehensive program that enhances personality, presence, and skill. This curriculum focuses on the development of a student’s artistic and academic potential. Those who select this program gain the opportunity to perform in school and community events, including PCTI’s fantastic spring musical production. Students choose from four majors – Dance, Instrumental Music, Theatre Studies, and Vocal Technique.

 Auditions are required.

Dance is a four-year curriculum that exposes students broadly to the fundamentals of dance, dance history, composition, and choreography. The program provides rigorous training in ballet, modern, jazz, and tap with a focus on proper technique and artistry. Dancers in the program have many opportunities throughout each year to perform in student, faculty, and guest choreographers’ work. Graduates of the dance program are pursuing careers in dance performance, dance education, dance therapy, and physical therapy.

Instrumental Music studies introduce students to the wonderful world of music. Students in this exciting program learn to read and write standard music notation and gain experience with technologies in rhythmic studies, harmony, and ear training. They are introduced to composing and arranging music, utilizing the latest software and computer technology. Students select an instrument and gain mastery over the four years at PCTI. From harmonics to rhythm to melodies and on to so much more, students develop the keen sensibility of timing and the appreciation for the timeless, universal language of music.

Theatre Studies brings your inner actor to center stage. Stimulate your imagination through the art of performing. Students learn about acting, theatre history, play production, and movement. Practicing voice and diction is sure to give your character some edge! Those enrolled in this program have the opportunity to participate in curric-ulum-based and school-wide productions. Students graduate ready to pursue careers in stage, film, television, theatre, and more.

Vocal Technique is a four-year program designed to develop and enhance vocal talents and abilities. The curriculum includes theory, history, and vocal performance. Students study various genres of music and examine aspects of meter, rhythm, tonality, intervals, chords, and harmonic progressions. They analyze compositions from different cultures, perform excerpts with technical accuracy, and develop musicality with relevant stylistic nuance. Students are given the opportunity to perform on stage at the annual Vocal Technique concert.

Career Pathways

  • Actor

  • Choreographer

  • Composer

  • Dance Instructor

  • Dancer

  • Director

  • Musician

  • Music Educator

  • Producer

  • Public Relations

  • Public Speaker

  • Screenwriter

  • Songwriter

  • Special Events Manager

  • Sports Announcer

  • Studio Manager

  • Vocal Instructor

  • Vocalist

Exciting Learning Environments

Unique Facilities and Opportunities:

  • Students in the dance program will take classes in two state of the art dance studios with full length mirrors, marley sprung floors, and professional sound systems. There is also a separate rehearsal studio and male and female locker rooms.

  • A modern, state-of-the-art fully equipped 1,000 seat auditorium – complete with traditional and the latest “digital” equipment for campus productions

  • A second, fully equipped “Black Box Theater” production stage, for intimate performances

  • A spacious “U-shaped” band room with acoustic shelves and two sound proof practice rooms.

  • A wide range of opportunities to perform on campus and throughout the community

  • Located close to other performance centers, universities and New York City’s “Broadway” Theater District

Performance Opportunities

Dance:All students in the dance program perform in the Dance Ensemble’s Winter Dance Concert and the School of Performing Arts’ Spring Dance Concert. Students are also invited to audition for guest choreographer’s work, the Senior Choreography Showcase, and various assembly programs throughout the year.

Theater:Theater students have the opportunity to participate in curriculum- based productions and one-act plays performed in the Black Box Theater.

Music:Instrumental students perform at the winter and spring concerts, spring musical, and school-wide assembly programs and community events (this includes marching, concert and jazz bands). Students also are adjudicated by a panel of highly qualified musicians, where they have received awards for overall superior ratings.

Vocal:Vocal students have the opportunity to display the skills and techniques that they’ve acquired for the vocal spring concert. Additionally, the vocal students perform at school-wide assembly programs and community events throughout the year.

Organization Affiliations

PCTI is a member of STANJ (The Speech and Theater Association of New Jersey), which promotes excellence in the study and teaching of communication and theater arts. We are also affiliated with MENC (The National Association for Music Education), the NDEO (National Dance Education Organization), NHSDA (National Honor Society of Dance Arts), Dance New Jersey and the Tri-M Music Honor Society. These programs recognize students for their academic and musical achievements.

School to Careers Experience

PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate. . . and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.

Awards and Honors


  • Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Award in 2016

  • Outstanding Scenic Achievement in Man of La Mancha

  • Nominated Educational Impact Award

  • Speech and Theater Association of New Jersey (STANJ)

  • 2016 Governor’s Award

  • Best Actress in State

  • Best Scene in State

  • 2nd Place Best Improvisation Team

  • Honorable Mention in Best Monologue


  • 2016 Two Student Awards NDEO Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award National Winner

  • 2016 Two Governor’s Student Awards for Artistic Excellence and Leadership in Dance

  • 2015 Two Student Awards NDEO Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award National Winner

  • 2015 Governor’s Student Award for Artistic Excellence and Leadership in Dance

PCTI Dance Website