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School of Automotive Technology

Evaluate, problem solve, & repair

Enter the ever-evolving automotive industry where technology, problem solving, and craftsmanship collide! Students of the School of Automotive Technology develop their skills in PCTI’s state-of-the-art automotive facility, comprised of high-tech diagnostic automotive labs and equipment equal to those found in major dealerships and repair facilities across the nation. Choose from either Automotive Technology/Service or Automotive Collision Repair as your area of focus.

Since its inception, the Automotive Technology/Service program has strived to meet ever-changing standards in the industry. Partnering with the Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation (ASE), the school seeks to uphold its main objective of “high quality standards of excellence in automotive service.” Similarly, the Automotive Collision Repair Program has incorporated ASE/National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF) standards and I-CAR industry training to meet the demands and challenges of repairing the modern automobile.

While the standards chart our path, our team of trained instructors continually enhance and align our curriculum to navigate it. The curriculum consists of a series of individual training modules, which allows instructors the freedom to choose segments that best fit students’ needs. This individualized approach offers in-depth coverage of both conventional and innovative repair technologies and processes. The program features knowledge-based training and performance-based testing, with an increased emphasis on hands-on tasks. Staying current with the most updated repair techniques and methods affords PCTI the ability to remain at the forefront of automotive technology training. By remaining proactive with our training, we are able to react immediately to any changes in industry design technology.

SOAT students have the opportunity to select a concentration mid-way through their freshman year and choose to focus on either Automotive Repair or Collision Repair. The School of Automotive Technology proudly partners with area businesses, many of which employ our students through valuable school-to-career opportunities. All students graduating from this program are NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation) certified, ensuring a smooth and skilled transition into future automotive careers. The School of Automotive Technology has specific tracks, or major areas of study, that students and parents will select in the future of the program. Each track has limited enrollment and does not allow for all first-choice requests to be guaranteed. Additional criteria may be taken into account to determine a student’s placement in a track.

Our students prepare for testing in ASE’s Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) - Automotive Service, B2 Painting and Refinishing, and B3 Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair - Collision Repair, with students receiving industry-recognized certification upon completion. Participation in PCTI’s program ensures students have completed the prerequisites required for future testing and certifications they may choose to pursue. Earning ASE certification is a great resume builder and increases the students’ employability when he or she enters the workforce.

PCTI is excited about the potential to produce world-class experts in the automotive industry. Upon graduation, the skills and training we provide will give our students a competitive edge as they enter the workforce of today’s global marketplace.

Career Pathways

  • Automotive Maintenance

  • Automotive Paint Preparation

  • Automotive Repair Estimation

  • Automotive Diagnostics

  • Brake Servicing

  • Department Service Advisor

  • Engine Repair

  • Mechanic

  • Non-Structural Repair

  • Repair Estimator

  • Service Management

  • Spray Paint Booth Operations

  • Structural Repair

  • Steering and Suspension

  • Vehicle Inspector

Working with Advanced Technological Systems

Students utilize state-of-the-art equipment found in major dealerships and repair facilities nationwide. The impressive technological tools include, but are not limited to:


  • Car-o-liner Frame Machine

  • PPG computerized paint mixing system

  • Pathways Estimating System

Auto Technology and Service

  • Hunter computerized wheel alignment

  • Snap-on Diagnostics

  • Snap-on Rotary Brake Surfacer

  • Robinair R-12 R-134A

  • Air Conditioning Service Station

  • Midtronics Charging System Analyzer

  • AAMCO brake resurfacer

  • Hunter tire machines

  • A-Tech ABS Brake Trainers

  • A-Tech Distributorless Ignition

  • Lighting, Air Bag, and OBD II Power Train Computerized Trainers

National Recognized Certification

  • NATEF:(National Automotive Technician Education Foundation) Reviews, evaluates and then certifies all PCTI’s Automotive and Collision Repair Programs.

  • ASE: (Automotive Service Excellence). Based on NATEF evaluation, ASE Education Foundation accredits programs. This certification carries with it strict industry standards.

  • AYES: (Automotive Youth Education- al Systems) Students who excel in PCTI’s School of Automotive Technology are provided the opportunity to participate in AYES. This program allows students to participate in AYES dealer-sponsored apprenticeships at professional dealerships and auto centers.

“College Connection Program” Earning College Credits in High School

Want to earn college credits before graduating high school? At PCTI you have the opportunity to do just that! Nearly 2 dozen college courses—some specific to career majors and others open to all PCTI students—are offered in affiliations with area colleges and universities!

Important Licensure Opportunities

After completing one year in the industry, Automotive Technology graduates are eligible to take the ASE licensing examination. Likewise, collision repair graduates are eligible to take the SEM sponsored testing for Plastic Paint Repair certification.

School to Careers Experience

PCTI maintains a very strong and supportive School to Careers program, offering 9th, 10th, and 11th graders the opportunity to “job shadow,” and 11th & 12th graders the chance to put their skills to work at a paid position in the workplace. Hundreds of students participate and hundreds of business leaders support our efforts by employing our students.

Internships and School to Career Opportunities

As juniors, Automotive Technology students have the opportunity to participate in the AYES Summer Internship Program. During their senior year, students have the opportunity to participate in PCTI’s School to Careers program in major dealerships and repair facilities throughout the area. As a result, they gain invaluable hands-on experience in the automotive industry via paid internships.

Awards and Honors

Outstanding Competition Results

  • Gold & Silver Winner - SkillsUSA Competition

  • The automotive program captured 2nd Place in the Ford AAA State Competition

  • PCTI’s automotive exhibit won the Award of Excellence at the state NJSBA Fall Conference

  • Two Non-Traditional Awards Honoring “Outstanding Female Students” via The Equity Hall of Fame