Parental Assistance

If you have concerns that your child may require additional educational services or that your child is being harassed, intimidated, or bullied, there are many resources available from the district and the state to assist you.

Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying

Every student has the right to be educated in an environment free from Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying. PCTVS is committed to working to ensure that students feel safe in our setting.

Child Find

Federal and State Laws/Regulations require school districts to identify students between the ages of three (3) and twenty-one (21) who may need special education and/or related services. Learn more about how the Child Find program can benefit your child.

New Jersey Department of Education Families Portal

The New Jersey Department of Education Families Portal is a central location to provide support and information related to parent and family engagement in student learning and development.

Portal Bilingue Para Familias

Este portal bilingüe ofrece información, recursos y consejos prácticos a los padres de habla hispana para ayudarlos a comprender el sistema educativo y ofrecerles información y recursos sobre sus opciones, posibilidades y derechos.